读后续写教学设计3--徐奚潇 2021-07-28
网站类目:资源共享 资源学科:英语 资源类别:发表学案 资源年级:高一 选用情况:学科网未选用 资源内容:读后续写教学设计3--徐奚潇


This particular day began at seven in the morning in Casablanca (卡萨布兰卡). My friend Mike and I were going to visit Abdelati, a young man we'd worked with on a Volunteer project in Kenitra, an industrial city on the Moroccan (摩洛哥) coast. He'd been expecting us to arrive in Casablanca for a few days now, and since he had no telephone, he'd written down his address and name and told us to just show up—his mother and sisters were always at home.

Apparently the address he had written down was hard for foreigners like us to understand. When we got into the neighborhood, our taxi driver started asking directions. Eventually, with the help of a policeman, we were led to a house down a winding road. Our driver went to the door and inquired. He came back saying Abdelati's sister was in this house visiting friends and would come along to show us where they lived.

Soon a girl of about sixteen emerged from the house. Surprisingly, she didn't look like Abdelati at all. Still, I'd seen other families where children didn't look alike, so I didn't give it too much thought. She then brought us to a yard. We waited in the yard while the sister went in and returned accompanied by her mother, sisters and brother-in-law, all of whom greeted us with cautious warmth. We were shown into the living room. The mother told us in broken French that Abdelati was out, but would be home soon. We sat on low, cushioned seats, drinking sweet mint tea and eating sugar cookies, while the family members sat with us and made shy, polite conversation that frequently fell into uncomfortable silence.

An hour passed, more family members emerged from inner rooms. I was again struck by the fact that none of them looked a thing like our friend. After another two hours had passed with no sign of Abdelati, the family insisted on serving us a meal in their kitchen next door. “Soon" was the only response I got when I inquired as to what time Abdelati might come back.

Finally we heard the words we had been waiting for from the mother. "Please Abdelati is back in the living room.” ___________________________________________________________


I took out the piece of paper Abdelati had given me in Kenitra and showed it to the new Abdelati.



1. 所续写短文的词数应为150词左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
