Cobwebs, elephants and stars《仙女也烦恼》 |
文本分析 |
【What】主题意义和主要内容 本书是阳光英语分级阅读初一下级别的一本故事书,讲述了“坏仙女”卡利班和小女孩芭芭拉互相帮助解决了彼此的问题。芭芭拉一开始不愿意和仙女卡利班待在一起,但在相处中与卡利班建立了良好的关系,最后变得乐意与卡利班待在一起。而仙女卡利班虽然与一般的仙女很不一样,但也有很多闪光点,她擅长与孩子打交道并聪明地运用自己的问题,激发芭芭拉的想象力,让她最终想出了完美的解决问题的方式。这启示我们,在成长的过程中有困难很正常,我们也许希望遇到一位好的仙女帮助我们解决问题,但有时仙女会以另一种面貌出现,会以一种隐晦的方式提供给我们帮助。因此我们要将问题视作机遇,帮助他人就是帮助自已,勇敢面对困难不放弃,在解决问题的过程中提升自己。 【How】文本结构和语言修辞 按照故事发展的一般顺序讲述了芭芭拉和卡利班仙女经历的事情。作者运用多种写作技巧如间接描写,设置悬念,对比,前后呼应等塑造出了一个丰满的人物形象。作者还运用其丰富的想象力,巧妙地构思出了仙女卡利班遇到的麻烦和解决方法,情节生动,引人入胜。 【Why】写作意图 本书通过讲述芭芭拉解决仙女卡利班和自身问题向读者展示了小女孩富有创造力和乐于助人的美好品质,以及人人都会有烦恼,都努力去解决自己的困难这一观点。通过芭芭拉对仙女看法的改变,引起读者对仙女刻板印象的思考,让读者明白不能以貌取人,并且要善于发现每个人身上的闪光点。仙女卡利班解决问题的方式,也能让学习学到问题也是机遇,要发掘自己的潜力,不放弃。 |
学情分析 |
本节课授课对象为初二上的学生。这本书内容难度适中,情节生动有趣,有着精美的插图,学生理解情节难度不大,但对写作手法并不是很了解。 |
教学目标 |
By the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to: 1. understand the story and answer literal questions. 2. Analyze the quality of the character by finding out supporting evidence. 3. learn more about writing techniques and the function. 4. Talk about the themes of the book by answering critical questions. |
教学资源 |
教学过程 |
教学步骤 |
教学活动 |
设计意图 |
Step 1 Lead-in |
1. Do you like magic? 2. Who has magic? 3. What is a fairy like in your mind? 4. Do you like stay with a fairy? Why? 5. If the fairy looks like this(pic), would you like to stay with her? |
用魔法、仙女元素激发学生阅读兴趣,唤起学生对仙女印象,为下文介绍“另类”仙女做铺垫。 |
Step 2 Read the picture |
6. What about this girl? Do you know her name? 7. At last, does she like to stay with the fairy? |
让学生关注图片,注意到前后对比,引起学生对这一变化的思考。 |
Step 3 Comb through the story and analyze the image of the character and the writing techniques |
Read page 2-3 Look at the picture, Barbara was unhappy, because Mrs. Caliban the fairy will look after her. 1. Why this makes her so unhappy? 2. What do you know about Mrs. Caliban? 3. Why did Barbara’s mother ask Mrs. Caliban to look after her? Read page 4-5 1. Did Barbara accept her mother’s proposal at last? 2. How do you know that? 3. Why did she accept? Context-based interpretation 1. What is your impression of Mrs. Caliban? In-depth appreciation 1. How did the author introduce Mrs. Caliban at the beginning of the story? Indirect description Set the suspense 2. What do you think of the beginning of the story? Do you like it? Does it make you feel curious about her? Context-based interpretation Read page 6-7 1. What do you think of Mrs. Caliban this time? Read page 7-8 1. What’s Barbara’s problem? 2. Did she ask the fairy for help? 3. What’s Mrs. Caliban’s reaction to this? 4. If you were Mrs. Caliban what will you say? 5. Which response is better? why? Read page 8-15 Discuss and finish the table. 1. What were Mrs. Caliban’s problems? 2. What do you think of her problems? 3. What ideas did Barbara come up with to help Mrs. Caliban solve her problems? 4. What do you think of Barbara’s suggestions? 5. Why didn’t Mrs. Caliban accept Barbara’s suggestions? 6. If you were Barbara, what would you think of Mrs. Caliban the fairy? In-depth appreciation 1. Why did the author create such a fairy? 2. Was she really useless? Did she really have these problems? And can’t solve them by herself? How do you know that? Context-based interpretation Read page 16-21 1. Did Barbara help her solve these problems? 2. How did they solve the problems? 3. Do you think it’s a good idea or not? Why? 4. What do you think of Barbara? Read page 22-24 1. How did the writer end the story? echo 1. How did Barbara feel about Mrs. Caliban in the end? contrast 2. Did you change your opinion on Mrs. Caliban? Group Discussion 1.What do you think of Mrs. Caliban? Why? |
通过理解性问题对故事内容进行梳理,让学生熟悉故事内容、分析人物形象,并基于此开拓思维对人物进行自己的评价,主题意义探究。同时通过分析作者的写作技巧,让学生意识到人物形象是如何一步步塑造起来的。 |
Step 4 Sharing |
1. What do you learn from the story? 2. What do you think of the title? 3. More information about the writer. |
让学生通过自己对文本的理解,多角度地表达自己的想法,并对标题进行解读。最后拓展学生信息渠道,让学生自己去了解更多作者的作品。 |
Homework |
Use your imagination to rewrite this story from page 6. |
激发学生想象力,让学生将自己的想法呈现出来。 |